St. John’s are a group of people of all ages, backgrounds and cultures who want to create community here in South Hornchurch, building relationships, finding new friends and loving one another as Jesus commanded us. This means living life together, meeting in our small groups, loving one another in practical ways, and always being open to welcoming others, just like they did in the early Church.
We are on a journey and we’ve come this far!
What you can expect on a Sunday
Our 10.30am Sunday morning service is relaxed and informal whether you are new to the Christian faith or have been a Christian for a while. You'll be welcomed at the door where someone will help you grab a free cup of coffee and/or refreshment and find your seat. Then someone usually sets the scene and tells us about the theme for the morning, followed by a short talk or video. There will be a time of worship with contemporary music and lyrics showing on the screen as well as corporate prayer for our community and nation. In addition, there will be an opportunity to receive personal prayer with one of our prayer team.
Young people
Children and young people are at the heart of our family and we want them to feel valued and enjoy the experience at St John’s. Our Sunday morning service is intentionally family friendly, so don’t worry about any noise the small humans make! After the main worship time there is an opportunity for pre-school age children (0-5) to enjoy our creche in the small hall although they must be accompanied by a parent or carer.
Please see our Safeguarding Policy

Here at St John’s we have a culture that’s rooted in prayer as we have seen first-hand all that God can do.
What's on?
In living life together there is always something happening for people to get involved with to help grow your faith or explore what it means. You are invited!